Welcome To
Homes On Water
Homes On Water can demonstrate the concept you seek is deliverable. HOW – by having successfully delivered small exclusive floating homes developments in UK Marinas. The exclusive developments were integrated into an existing marina environment, offering the luxury of home living on water. This lifestyle can be achieved on any water space within an existing leisure park business.
Working in collaboration with industry specialists the unique challenges of adaptation, modification and redesigning of standard components has been successfully resolved. What is currently achieved on land can now become a reality on water, to deliver quantity and quality through a turnkey solution.
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About Us
Expertise & Experience
An extensive built engineering background with 20 years’ experience on the inland waterways, overseeing the construction and upgrade of countless structures alongside a waterside environment. Proven knowledge and experience in both project and financial management delivering on time, on budget and exceeding the client’s expectations. A strong appreciation and understanding of the dynamics of the waterside environment.
Experience gained over the last 16 years in the role of Operations Director of a multi-site marinas business, included being instrumental in establishing a sound, stable business and then leading to further expansion by diversification. Achieved by developing income streams through business relationships to then become one of the largest operators in the sector. Turning conceptual ideas and thinking into reality, utilising vacant water space to deliver an all-encompassing floating home development.
Feasibility Study
Homes on Water will undertake a site investigation to review the existing business activity
Project Management
Hands on project delivery, coupled with a truly tailored approach for your company needs.